Social media needs to be part of your marketing strategy!

Consistent posting is key to staying on top of your audience's minds and helps reach more people. 

I can provide content creation for organic posts. I handle both the writing of posts AND image/video design.

I have over 10 years of freelancing experience on Fiverr, with a B.F.A in Computer Graphics, plus a Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate.

I provide:

• High quality posts (text + graphic design)
• Relevant & popular hashtags to expand reach
• My walkthrough guide on how to schedule your posts to a variety of social media platforms

So if you're just getting started on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter, and need help building the content on your page, or need some fresh ideas for your already established accounts, I can help by writing & designing posts for your business!

The Process

Fill out questionnaire

Click here to fill out my questionnaire to let me know what you are looking for in terms of content creation for your social media pages.

Post writing

I’ll write the post text first, and get your approval before I proceed to creating the post graphics. I'll research and create a list of hashtags to use within posts that are relevant to your business as well!

Graphic Design

When the post text calendar has final approval, I move forward to creating the post graphics and/or video (depending on what package you selected). I deliver the updated calendar and high quality graphics for you to post!



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